Friday, September 23, 2022

Funding: NCEEER Title VIII Competitions

Deadline: December 31, 2022

NCEEER invites applications to its 2023 Title VIII National Research Competition, 2023 Title VIII Short Term Research Grant Competition,  and 2023 Title VIII Dissertation Completion Grant. The deadline for all programs is December 31, 2022. 

The National Research Competition supports scholars who are US citizens and hold the PhD. Awards range from $20,000 for an individual project to $40,000 for a collaborative project. Research may take place in the United States or in the field, in one or more of the countries under the purview of the Title VIII Program (see  for details). Eligible proposals must concern topics that are relevant to current US foreign policy.


The Short Term Research Grant supports scholars who are US citizen and hold the PhD. Awards are capped at $2,500 and support short-term research (generally involving travel, also not required to do so) in/on one or more of the countries under the purview of the Title VIII Program. Eligible proposals must concern topics that are relevant to current US foreign policy.


The Dissertation Completion Grant supports scholars who are US citizens in the final year of a PhD program conducting policy-relevant research on one or more of the countries under the purview of the Title VIII program. These individual awards are for up to $25,000 and 9-12 months in duration. Eligible proposals must concern topics that are relevant to current US foreign policy.


Funding for these programs is provided by the Department of State, Bureau of Intelligence and Research, under the Title VIII Program.


Please e-mail Dr. Dana Ponte with any questions ( Application guidelines and materials are available at:

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