Thursday, October 13, 2022

CFA: Certificate Program in Diverse and Inclusive Pedagogies, AATSEEL (Deadline extended)

Deadline: October 23, 2022

AATSEEL’s Certificate Program in Diverse and Inclusive Pedagogies (CDIPS) is now accepting applications for our second (and perhaps final) cohort. We invite applications from all professionals in the field of Slavic studies - pre-college instructors, graduate students, and post-secondary faculty of any institution and rank. 

Applications are now due October 23, 2022. 

The CDIPS program supplies professionals in the field of Slavic languages and literatures with knowledge and training to address issues of diversity, inclusivity, equality, and justice in our teaching practice. The program includes a series of online sessions and culminates in a final project designing or revamping a course or unit using DEIAJ strategies and principles. For more information please see our website: 

Application can be found at:

For questions or concerns please reach out to Jillian Costello at

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