Tuesday, October 25, 2022

CFP: Language and War -- Sociolinguistic Shifts in the Ukrainian Language Situation in the World

Deadline: January 15, 2023

Language and War: Sociolinguistic Shifts in the Ukrainian Language Situation in the World

Guest editor(s): Olga Ivanova (University of Salamanca, Spain) & Anastassia Zabrodskaja (Tallinn University, Estonia)

Scopes of the Issue. The main aim of this Special Issue is to bring attention to the sociolinguistic changes that the war in Ukraine is triggering in its linguistic situation in both homeland and worldwide. The objective of the Issue is to report on ongoing developments in the use of the two major languages of Ukraine, Ukrainian and Russian, and in attitudes towards their functional and symbolic value, both among the Ukrainian population and in the diaspora. It is of particular interest for this Issue to report on the changes that are taking place in the perception of the linguistic situation in Ukraine around the World. One of the purposes of the Issue is to report on the initiatives of language revitalization and support that are emerging in different countries around the world in response to the wave of displacement of Ukrainian population.

The Special Issue aims to achieve the following objectives:

  • to take into account changes in the use of and attitudes towards Ukrainian
  • Russian and Ukrainian-Russian bilingualism in Ukraine and in the world
  • to reflect the management (and possible resolution strategies) of the language issue among refugees and in the diaspora
  • to highlight top-down and bottom-up actions taken both in Ukraine and, above all, abroad to support the Ukrainian language

To this end, the Issue welcomes empirical studies based on mainly qualitative research, as well as on the discourse and social network analysis, to inquire into any aspect related to the sociolinguistic change in the language situation in Ukraine and in the Ukrainian community abroad. The Issue particularly seeks for studies based on methods from the ethnography of communication, the ethnography of the interactional, and/or interactional/conversational pragmatics. Authors are welcome to focus their proposals on heritage language, family transmission, code-switching, bilingual socialization, intercultural families, bilingual couples, Russian-Ukrainian interaction, interactional children practices (at the kindergarten, etc.). All these questions are really at the nucleus from the situation now (both in the Ukrainian diaspora, and in Ukraine). Public discourse, with focus on sociolinguistics, policy, and identity, is also at core of the Issue.

Call for papers. The editors of the Special Issue invite all interested authors to submit the abstract of their possible contribution to the Issue by January 15, 2023.

  • Abstracts should be sent to olga.ivanova@usal.es and anastassia.zabrodskaja@gmail.com (please, email to both Editors at the same time) as a Word file named after the author (e.g. Ivanova.doc) or the first author and et al. (e.g. Ivanovaetal.doc)
  • Abstracts should not exceed 350 words, excluding references and keywords (up to 5). All abstracts should clearly state the methodology of the proposed work

The editors propose the following tentative timetable for the Special Issue call-for-papers:

Call for abstracts:  October 25, 2022 – January 15, 2023
Notification of abstract acceptance by the guest editors; January 31, 2023
Paper preparation and 1st round submission: January 31, 2023 – April 30, 2023
Paper review:  April 30, 2023 – June 30, 2023
Paper revision by the authors:  June 30, 2023 – September 30, 2023
Editing process by the guest editors: October – November 2023
Final submission of the whole double: December 2023
Special Issue publication: August 2024 (Issue 18.3-4 2024)

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