Monday, February 5, 2024

OPPORTUNITY: CEH Associate Editor, Book Reviews

DEADLINE: April 1,2024 Central European History invites applications and nominations for the position of Associate Editor, Book Reviews. The new Associate Editor will succeed Dr. Mirna Zakić (Ohio University), who has served our profession in the position with devotion and diligence for the past five years. The appointment will commence on July 1, 2024. Applicants should be historians of Central Europe and/or the Habsburg realm and successor states. The Associate Editor’s responsibilities include: — Identifying new books to be reviewed; — Receiving and sorting books sent by publishers; — Finding and corresponding with appropriate reviewers and maintaining a database of potential reviewers; — Preparing a draft table of contents of reviews for each of four annual issues; — Editing reviews; answering author queries during the publication process; —Working with the editors to generate ideas for thematic review essays, feature reviews, and fora on particularly significant books; —Answering queries from scholars and publishers. The Central European History Society expects to support the position by providing funding to help reduce the Associate Editor’s teaching load or by paying a small stipend. As part of preparing an application, applicants are encouraged to investigate the possibility of obtaining backing from their home institutions, which might include forms such as teaching relief, office space, postage, and office assistance. Applicants should please send a curriculum vitae and a brief statement discussing 1) their interest in the position and 2) their particular competencies for it. Send applications to the incoming editors of CEH, Benjamin Marschke (marschke[at] and Jared Poley (jpoley[at] Applications received by April 1, 2024 will receive full consideration. Inquiries about the position may also be directed to Benjamin Marschke and Jared Poley. Scholars wishing to nominate colleagues for the position should direct their nominations to the same e-mail addresses. Contact Information Benjamin Marschke and Jared Poley Contact Email

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