Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Funding: Central European History Society (CEHS) Travel and Research Grant

Deadline: January 15, 2021

The Central European History Society (CEHS) seeks applications from North American doctoral candidates (ABD) and recent PhDs (up to three years after completion of degree) in Central European history for travel and research grants up to $4,000. Funds are intended to support dissertation research and follow-up research and may be used for travel between 1 April and 31 December 2021.


Applicants should be affiliated with an accredited North American institution of higher education and a member of the Central European History Society at the time of application.  Membership in CEHS is automatic with an individual subscription to the journal Central European History ($17 annually for graduate students and $32 for others). See for membership.


Application Procedure:

The following materials are required and should be combined into one PDF and e-mailed to   

— Statement of Purpose (1000-word limit)


— Curriculum Vitae


— Budget Worksheet (totaling no more than $4,000)


The application and two letters of reference (which may be e-mailed separately) must be received by 15 January 2021.  Applicants are advised to give their referees several weeks’ notice of their need for letters.


For further information or inquiries (but not to submit applications), please contact the Executive Director of CEHS, Brendan Karch, at

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