Wednesday, November 18, 2020

ALTA Emerging Translator Mentorship Program

Deadline: November 30th, 2020 

The ALTA Emerging Translator Mentorship Program is designed to establish and facilitate a close working relationship between an experienced translator and an emerging translator on a project selected by the emerging translator. The mentorship duration is approximately nine months. The emerging translator is expected to choose a project that can be completed in that time, and they will only be advised on that particular project.

The following mentorships are available in 2021:
Applications must be submitted online through our submission platform by November 30. The program is open to emerging translators at no cost to them. 

An emerging translator is someone who has published no more than one full-length work of translation. While ALTA’s mentorship program is open to all applicants, we especially encourage applications from translators of color, translators with disabilities, LGBTQ+ translators, and those who don't have an MA, an MFA, or some other equivalent type of training. 

Please view our webpage for more information, our submissions portal to submit, and find answers to common questions at the mentorship FAQ. If you want to see what former mentees have accomplished, follow this link. Former mentees include E. J. Koh, Marcia Calabretta Cancio-Bello, Natascha Bruce, Joyce Zonana, and many more. You can watch a live-streamed reading of the 2020 mentees here

We would be so grateful if you could disseminate this reminder to your communities! We are hoping to welcome many applicants for these eight mentorships in 2021. The deadline for applications is November 30. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to get in touch, and we hope to see applications from your communities soon! 

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