Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Ph.D. study in the humanities at SSEES, University College London

Deadline: December 11, 2020 

The School of Slavonic and East European Studies at University College London <> is welcoming applications to the UK Arts & Humanities Research Council (AHRC) and Wolfson Trust-funded Ph.D. positions in the history, languages, and cultures (including literature, film and other media) of Russia and East-Central Europe. UCL SSEES has unrivaled expertise in humanities studies of the region, with over 40 full-time academic staff dedicated to this endeavor. We invite outstanding applicants to join our research community in London, in a funded capacity.

In particular, we would like to invite prospective students to apply for a funded Humanities Ph.D. with us via the following schemes:

*       The AHRC-funded London Arts and Humanities Partnership<> (LAHP). This scheme supports researchers across eight London-based institutions. LAHP-funded Ph.D. positions are open to the UK and International applicants and cover tuition fees for a maximum of three years at the UK (Home) rate and an annual maintenance grant or allowance (stipend). Up to 90 studentships are awarded across the eight institutions per year.

*       The Wolfson Postgraduate Scholarship<>. This scheme supports students working in the disciplines of history, literature, and languages who demonstrate the potential to make an impact on their chosen field. Wolfson-funded fellowships are open to the UK and International applicants, and pay an annual amount for three years to cover tuition fees, a stipend, and a research allowance.

*       The UCL Research Opportunity Fellowship<>. This scheme supports students from certain Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) groups to pursue postgraduate study at UCL. It is open to UK permanent residents from the designated BME groups and covers UK (Home) fees, a maintenance stipend, and a research allowance.

We invite applications from prospective Ph.D. students whose research plans overlap with our expertise in early modern and modern Russian and East-Central European History,<> Russian language and literature<>, East European languages and literature <>, film and other visual studies<>.

Applicants are expected to have prior knowledge of the language(s) relevant to their research. Ph.D. students are eligible for support to improve their language abilities through access to our MA Language modules in Bulgarian, Czech, Estonian, Finnish, Hungarian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Serbian/Croatian, Slovak, Slovene, and Ukrainian.

Please send expressions of interest to Dr. Seth Graham<> and Dr. Philippa Hetherington<> by 11 December 2020. Expressions of interest should include a CV and a two-page document outlining your educational background and preparation for PhD-level humanities study in Russian and East European Studies and describing your proposed research topic.

If your proposal is selected, you will then receive extensive feedback to prepare a full application for LAHP, Wolfson, and/or Research Opportunity Fellowship funding. The deadlines to apply for these funding opportunities are in mid-January 2021, and you will be supported to work on your application in December and January in order to maximize your chances of success. You will then submit your final application via the relevant LAHP, Wolfson, or UCL portal; you will receive detailed instructions on this process from us after selection.

Further information on studying a Ph.D. with us can be found at

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