Tuesday, February 23, 2021

CFA: University of Pittsburgh's Summer Language Institute

Deadline: Priority deadline is March 1, 2021

What is a "priority" application deadline? 

Applicants who meet the deadline will be prioritized for admission in high demand classes and will receive full consideration for an SLI Scholarship. Also, March 1st is a strict deadline for eligible applicants to apply for a summer FLAS from Pitt's CREEES (FLAS applications are right on the SLI admissions application).

What happens after March 1st? 

After March 1st, SLI welcome applications on a rolling basis throughout the spring and for as long as classes have open spots and/or funding is still available. Space in high demand courses and scholarship funding can become depleted as the spring wears on, so later applicants are encouraged to apply as early as possible after the priority deadline. Prospective participants may also write to us directly at sliadmin@pitt.edu to inquire about the availability of space and funding in their language/level.

SLI's intensive programs are scheduled to begin on June 7th in Pittsburgh and online. We are accepting applications for the following languages/levels:

Arabic (Beginning and Intermediate) 

Bosnian/Croatian/Montenegrin/Serbian (Beginning-4th-year) 

Bulgarian (Beginning) 

Czech (Beginning-Advanced) 

Hungarian (Beginning) 

Polish (Beginning-4th-year) 

Russian (Beginning-4th-year) 

Slovak (Beginning-Advanced) 

Turkish (Beginning) 

Ukrainian (Beginning)

About SLI

The University of Pittsburgh’s Slavic, East European, and Near Eastern Summer Language Institute celebrates a 32-year tradition of passionate teaching and proven results. With a focus on critical and less commonly taught languages and proficiency-based instruction, SLI offers courses in Arabic, Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian, Bulgarian, Czech, Hungarian, Polish, Russian, Slovak, Turkish, and Ukrainian. Whether students choose to study on Pitt’s campus or on one of the SLI’s many study abroad programs, they can expect to cover approximately one academic year’s worth of course work during a single summer.

Students who complete SLI programs rapidly acquire language proficiency and deepen their understanding of a foreign culture. Every day, students receive intensive language training in both spoken and written modes. Small class sizes ensure constant interaction with experienced instructors. A rich program of lectures, films, music, cooking, picnics, and excursions provides students the opportunity to explore the cultures they are studying while socializing in their target languages.

SLI is proud to support undergraduates, graduate students, non-traditional students, and motivated adult language learners with generous scholarships. All program applicants are eligible for scholarship funding, regardless of student status. Thanks to the scholarship program, SLI is one of the most affordable accredited programs for intensive language study in the US and attracts students from every region of the country.

Enjoy the diverse, urban environment of University of Pittsburgh’s main campus, the fully immersive experience of study abroad, or a combination of both. Learn a language – discover the world!

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