Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Prize/Award: AAUS 2019-2020 Article Prize, Book Prize, and Translation Prize Competition

 Deadline: Extended to February 28, 2021

American Association for Ukrainian Studies (AAUS) invites nominations (including self-nominations) for the next round of the AAUS Book, Article, and Translation Prizes. For this round, works published in 2019 and 2020 are eligible (as long as they were not nominated last year, as each work can be considered for a prize only once). Eligibility criteria are as follows. Deadline for nominated works to be received by members of the prize committees has been EXTENDED UNTIL FEBRUARY 28, 2021.

The AAUS Book Prize is awarded for the best scholarly monograph-length work in the field of Ukrainian history, politics, language, literature and culture published in English, preferably by a single author, but by no more than two. Textbooks, collections, bibliographies, reference works, and self-published books are ineligible. English translations of scholarly monographs published initially in another language will be considered on a case-by-case basis, but will generally not receive highest priority unless their content represents a major contribution to Ukrainian studies.

The AAUS Article Prize is awarded for the best article-length work in the field of Ukrainian history, politics, language, literature and culture published in English. Journal articles in peer-reviewed academic journals and chapters in scholarly collections are eligible.

The AAUS Translation Prize is awarded for the best translation into English of a book-length literary work originally published in Ukrainian.

Please submit nominations via the AAUS website by clicking on the relevant link to nominate a book, article or translation for the AAUS Prize. Copies or e-copies of nominated books (monographs and translations) must be sent to all members of the current AAUS Book Prize and AAUS Translation Prize committees, respectively. Mailing addresses of committee members are listed on the website. Works nominated for the Article Prize need to be submitted and uploaded via the website. Please direct any questions to the respective committees at book_prize@ukrainianstudies.org, article_prize@ukrainianstudies.org, translation_prize@ukrainianstudies.org. Prize winners will be announced by early May during the ASN Convention at Columbia University, New York (6-8 May, 2021).

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