Monday, January 22, 2024

CFP: 19th Annual Meeting of the Slavic Linguistics Society

DEADLINE: March 29th, 2024 We invite abstracts for the 19th Annual Meeting of the Slavic Linguistics Society which will take place at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah (USA) on August 15-17, 2023. We are pleased to announce that our invited speakers will be: Stephen Dickey (University of Kansas) Franc Marušič - Lanko (University of Nova Gorica) Andrea Sims (The Ohio State University) Papers dealing with any aspect of Slavic linguistics and within any theoretical framework or methodology are welcome. All talks will be 20 minutes in length with 10 minutes for discussion. Abstracts should be written in English. The abstract itself should be anonymous (no identifying information, e.g., name, affiliation, self-reference). Abstracts should be emailed to in PDF format, with any non-standard fonts embedded. Submissions are limited to one single-authored and one jointly authored abstract per applicant. The body of the email should include the following: author name(s) author affiliation(s) author status (faculty, graduate student, etc.); abstracts with student authors are automatically entered into consideration for student travel awards and the annual Townsend award We invite submissions for individual papers for general sessions and panel proposals for thematic sessions. Abstracts for individual papers should be limited to 500 words, not including figures or references. Panel proposals should provide (1) an abstract for the whole panel limited to 1000 words, (2) a list of the names, emails and affiliations of the panel participants and (3) titles of the talks in the panel. Conference panels will be 2 hours, so panel proposals will typically include 4 (or 8) individual presenters who will give 20-minute talks followed by discussion. An active SLS membership will be required for presenting at the annual meeting but is not required at the time of initial abstract submission (join/renew here). For additional conference details as they become available, see the conference website: Deadline for paper abstracts and panel proposals: March 29th Notification of acceptance: April 30th SLS-19 is an in-person conference. Online participation will only be considered as an exception under very specific circumstances (e.g., travel or visa restrictions). Any request for online participation will be considered on a case-by-case basis. If any authors are likely to need a letter of support for visa applications or funding purposes, please make a note at time of abstract submission. Sincerely, The local organizing committee (Jeff Parker, Rob Reynolds, Grant Lundberg)

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