Wednesday, December 7, 2022

CFA: ARISC South Caucasus Overseas Program for Educators (SCOPE)

Deadline: January 23, 2023

The American Research Institute of the South Caucasus (ARISC) invites applications to the South Caucasus Overseas Program for Educators (SCOPE) taking place in the summer of 2023.

SCOPE will consist of an immersive ten-day visit to Armenia and Georgia for post-secondary educators, with priority given to faculty at community colleges and minority serving institutions. The program will run in the South Caucasus from Tuesday, June 20 to Thursday, June 29, 2023.


The program will be co-led by regional experts Dr. Anna Ohanyan (Stonehill College) and Dr. Benjamin Bamberger (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign). SCOPE participants will attend lectures and workshops run by local academics, visit sites of historical and cultural significance, and engage with scholarly communities in Armenia and Georgia from a variety of disciplines. The program will also offer Introductory virtual talks on the regional languages prior to travel as well as opportunities to collect and develop curricular resources.


SCOPE participants will

·       Gain an understanding of the diverse political, historical, and socio-cultural issues and contexts of the South Caucasus.

·       Use their experiences in the South Caucasus to either create or deepen a pedagogical project as outlined in their applications.

·       Develop learning objectives to integrate South Caucasus components into their teaching practices.

·       Create networks among themselves and with local and international scholars and specialists in order to deepen and extend professional and pedagogical collaborations.


Applicants selected for the program will be required to attend three virtual orientation sessions prior to the program taking place, as well as a final virtual wrap-up meeting upon return. In the application participants will be asked to propose a module that they would like to develop during the program.


Developed as part of the four-year grant awarded by the U.S. Department of Education Title VI AORC program, SCOPE builds on the “Teaching the South Caucasus Workshop” held in June 2022 in conjunction with the Russian, East-European and Eurasian Center at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.


Deadline: Monday, January 23, 2023





      Citizenship: U.S. citizens and U.S. permanent residents only

      Status: instructors at institutions of higher education who are tenure track, non-tenure track, or specialized teaching faculty, lecturers, adjuncts, instructors, or post-docs or staff with teaching components


Invitational Priority:


Applications submitted by instructors at community colleges and minority-serving institutions, particularly those who already completed the “Teaching the South Caucasus Workshop” in 2022 are especially encouraged to apply. All applications will be given full consideration.


Award Amount:


Fellows’ transportation and lodging costs, as well as meals and incidentals (per diem), are covered in the program, within federal and ARISC travel guidelines and budgeting. 

To review the full call and application materials, please visit 


For more information, please contact



Funding Source:


Funding for this program is supported with a grant from the US Department of Education Title VI AORC program.

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